DONZ Natural OPC™ Super Anti-oxidant recipe has been carefully compiled to offer the very best mix of supporting, synergistic natural ingredients with the strongest dose of NZ grown 95% proanthocyanidins standardised grape seedextract per capsule at a most competitive price. We recommend DONZ Natural OPC Super-antioxidant for all age groups as being an essential daily supplement to counter balance free radical chain reactions that are accelerated by stress, injury and toxins. Free radicals are precursors to degenerative disease.
grape seed extract OPC's beneficial role in supporting the conditions,
are in "OPC in Practice" by Bert Schwitters in collaboration with
Professor Jack Masquelier (ISBN 88-86035-13-6) and Dr Masquelier's "Mark
on Health" by Bert Schwitters (ISBN 88-86035-20-9). Natural Therapies
products seek to support and are not a replacement for prescribed
medication. Take products at least an hour away from prescribed
medication. Take as directed & if symptoms persist, see your health